Salt City Girl

Raves and rants about the Salty City's food, film and alcohol.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Film: Production Intern

Salty Pictures is looking for a production intern for their upcoming Disney TV film.

Production dates are Feb. 9 through mid-March.
Filming will take place Tuesday through Saturday.
Call time is 7 a.m.

The intern will work with the Assistant Director department. They are willing to work with a class schedule except for days with a lot of extras on the set.

For contact information, please send me an email at

Friday, January 22, 2010

Life: Big girl time

It's time to take a big girl pill and tell the painful truth.

I'm making some changes in my life and I feel like I owe it to the few people who read my blog to explain where I've been and where I'm going.

The past few months have been incredibly difficult for me and in some ways the most trying times of my life. I have learned a great deal from these experiences I feel I have grown more in the last six months of my life than at any other time in my life. However the growing was not without its pains.

I've been adjusting to having a boyfriend and luckily CBC is patient enough to deal with my craziness and worries. He's been supportive, loyal and caring in a way that I find both impressive and unimaginable. I'm still surprised at how much he's willing to do for me. You know, the Krista who whines, bitches, complains, takes charge and seriously hates not getting her way. Yep, CBC still likes me even on the days when I act like the crazy person I'm scared of being.

And there have been a lot of those days.

I've mentioned before on this blog that being the editor at the student newspaper proved far more difficult than I expected. What I have not shared with most people is how severely the stress affected my health. I spent much of November, December and January ill with colds and infections. That may not sound like much, but for me this was extreme. I went to the doctor several times to be told to "eat better, exercise and rest" every time.

After one doctor visit too many, I got a wake up call from a close friend and realized it was time to take better care of myself.

The changes began with the student newspaper. We hired a new production and business manager at The Forum. We have a tremendously talented group of people working for Westminster's student newspaper. It has been a miracle to have so much more free time with their help on the paper each week. They continually help me breathe easier.

I also left Reel Griffins which has been challenging and painful in unexpected ways. However Harry, Erin and the rest of the gang have been doing a fantastic job. I'm very proud of them and the work they are doing. They've been kind enough to keep me included and I'm excited for the future of film at Westminster. This group is making cool things happen nearly every week on campus. They are amazing!

I also made the painful decision to move out. Erin, Ava and I have been living together for nearly three straight years. Other than Erin's Italy study abroad, we've been "the girls" for nearly all of my college experience. I'm terrified to be leaving, but I'm happy I'll be close by.

The new apartment is just up the street. I know it will be different and scary. Plus the new kitchen is tiny with an electric stove so my cooking mojo may suffer. And cooking for myself will be weird, I'll have to invite people over to eat with me. I hate it when leftovers go to waste and I kind of like people sometimes.

I'm moving next weekend with the help of family and friends. Everyone has been supportive and loving. I'm so grateful for the people in my life who helped me make this decision and are helping me through it. You are amazing! And my life is better because of each of you.

Finally I've started cooking lighter (as in less better and oil) and running agan. I know Julia Childs would be shocked, but I am feeling better. I know change is difficult, but I believe this is a positive change in my life teaching me how to better balance my life so I can be happy and healthy.

I hope you understand why I've been MIA this last while. After all this change, I hope I'll be better able to settle into a routine and start blogging regularly again. I have so many food experiences to share, I can't wait to write about them.

That's all the big girl I've got in me for now. I'm ready for some play time!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Casting Call!

This Saturday bring your 10 to 12 year olds to audition for an adorable short.

Children ages 10 to 12

Saturday, Jan. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Howa Board Room
Shaw Student Center
Westminster College
1840 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Copies of the script will be available at the audition. The short student film will be entered into a fundraiser for the Rape Recovery Center on Jan. 20. Make an appointment by contacting me at or stop by.

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